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Pepitos Chilitos Chile Ancho 1lb

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El Ancho es un chile poblano seco y es el chile más utilizado en México. Los chiles ancho son la versión seca de los chiles poblanos rojos y generalmente tienen un picor de suave a medio con un ligero aroma floral, afrutado y ahumado. El Chile Ancho es considerado uno de los chiles secos más dulces con una mezcla de sabores terrosos y especiados con un toque de pasas, ciruela y paprika.

Chile Ancho 1 lb re-closable standup bag. 

Natural, Sin Gluten, Vegano

Niveles de Picor: 1,000-1,500 Scoville Units

Comprar más por menos:
1-5 Artículos $8.89 / Cada  
6-11 Artículos $7.89 / Cada Salvar 11.25%
12 or more items $7.29 / Cada Salvar 18%
  • $8.89
En stock (609 artículos disponibles)
  • Shipping info

    We deliver in the continental USA.


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  • Return Policy

    We accept returns as long as the bag has not been opened. Please return the item(s) within 1 business day of your order in order to receive a full refund. Please provide an email to our Sales Department (sales@tolucafoods.com) with photos and the 4-digit Lot Number on the back of the bag or side of the jar of item(s) you are returning.

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We deliver in the continental USA.

Please see our Shipping Policy.

We accept the following payment methods:

Upon receiving your order, please inspect it for any damaged, lost, or missing items. If any part of your order is missing or damaged, please keep the items and packaging and contact us within 1 business day of receipt so we can find a solution for you. We may request pictures of the damage to help with this process.

There are rare occasions where our carriers may lose a shipment. In these situations, it is our highest priority to find your items and we will work with the carrier to do so. Traces with ground carriers take approximately 1-3 business days to complete. If your shipment is found, we will continue the delivery to your location. If it is deemed lost, we will work with you to provide a satisfactory resolution.

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